The eight-year-old daughter of popular Indian playback singer, KS Chitra, has drowned in an Emirates Hills swimming pool. Chitra came to the UAE in connection with the AR Rahman Musical Concert in Sharjah.
“The girl was found dead in the swimming pool of a villa in the Emirates Hills," said sources familiar with the accident.
Nandana is believed to be born with Down syndrome.
A number of Indian celebrities including AR Rehana, sister of AR Rahman, Naresh Iyer, Sayanora, Abdul Salam and others are in town for the show. The playback singer was staying at the residence of Dileep Rahulan, leading Indian businessman. AR Rahman, the Oscar Winning Indian musician is not attending the show.
Known as the nightingale of South Indian music industry, KS Chitra used to take daughter along with her for the music shows as she was a special needs child.
“The girl went towards the swimming pool as the room door was found open; she accidentally fell into swimming pool and drowned. Even though she was rescued and rushed to the Jebel Ali Cedar hospital, the girl died,” said sources familiar with the incident.
Sources told Emirates 24l7 that the child accidentally fell into the swimming pool as there was no fence and security monitoring. “She (Chitra) was readying to go for the programme rehearsal at 9am. When she went to the toilet, the baby probably slipped out of the villa without notice and accidentally fell into the swimming pool. Dubai Police team has inspected the accident site.”
The girl’s body has been moved from Jebel Ali Cedar Hospital to Sonapur embalming section for possible repatriation to Chennai on Thursday night itself.
Show goes ahead
The organisers told this website that the musical show will go ahead despite this tragic accident. Shafi, Creative Director, Media Factory, organiser of the AR Rahman Music Concert at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium, revealed to Emirates 24|7 that the singers will express their sympathy and condolences to the Chitra through a special prayer session during the show.
”All the singers including Hariharan, Sayanora and AR Rahman sisters are sad about the accident. The show will go ahead and we have decided to conduct a special prayer programme for the little one during the show. Chitra, who was the lead female singer with Hariharan, will not sing as she is preparing to repatriate the body. We have expressed our deep sympathy and condolences on the unfortunate death of Nandana,” Shafi said, adding that “all singers and their families opted to live in Dunes Hotel Apartment, Karama, but Chitra and her family decided to stay at a friend’s house in Emirates Hills because she thought it would be safe and could give more attention to her daughter.”
Fans not happy
Indian fans were saddened by the accident involving the only daughter of South Indian nightingale. A section of KS Chitra fans questioned the organiser’s decision to go ahead with the musical evening following the sad incident. “Major shows definitely involve money and business, but there is a human element also. How can other artists and singers perform and entertain the audience, when such a sad thing has happened to one of their colleagues,” said one music lover.
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