She has acted in a couple of Tamil films, most notably with R. Sarath Kumar in Pachaikili Muthucharam directed by Gautham Menon. She was moreover widely known as a notable singer and has sung popular Tamil songs composed by Harris Jayaraj (such as Kannum Kannum Nokia from Anniyan and Karka Karka in Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu) and Yuvan Shankar Raja (such as Oh Baby from Yaaradi Nee Mohini and the most recent Adada Vaa from Sarvam along legendary composer 'Maestro' Ilaiyaraaja. Reportedly, she has sung several songs in Aayirathil Oruvan, in which she acts as well. She was a part of a Jackson Five-style troupe called Young Stars at the age of 10 which kick started her singing career. And she was also a theatre artist in her college, Women's Christian College. She has also launched a company named The Show Must Go On (TSMGO Productions) to promote live art and artistes.
Year | Movie | Role | Notes |
2005 | Kanda Naal Mudhal | Cameo appearance | |
2007 | Pachaikili Muthucharam | Kalyani Ramanathan | |
2010 | Aayirathil Oruvan | Lavanya Chandramouli | |
2011 | Maruvan |
- Desamuduru (2007)
- Rakhee(2006) Zara Zara Song
- Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu (2006)
- Anniyan (2005)
- Yaaradi Nee Mohini (2008)
- Sarvam (2009)
- Aadhavan (2009)
- Theeradha Vilaiyattu Pillai (2010)
- Goa(2010)
- Aayirathil Oruvan (2010)
- Sye Aata (2010)
- Madrasapattinam (2010) (English Lyrics)
- Maruvan (2011)
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